I was thrilled to be invited by Janey Nicol, P4 class teacher at Cockenzie Primary School, East Lothian, to be involved with the school’s first ever Literary Festival in February 2016. She requested a poetry workshop with P1s. With over 50 children in the group, we had lots of fun with a poem for children I wrote and used a few years ago. We messed about with props, and I showed them on flip chart paper how I illustrated the poem using skills I learned at Edinburgh College of Art summer schools over three years, with Robbie Bush and Mina Braun. http://minabraun.blogspot.co.uk/
Here are P1 doing a noisy nosey warm-up mantra, where they discover the joy of ‘sneezing’ out words, whilst also learning how to keep germs to themselves!
I was also really pleased to be able to assist in recommending authors and poets to be involved in the festival. Over the last few years I’ve been privileged to get to know poets and authors and their work. This came in really handy. Cockenzie pupils delighted us all with this ‘Thank you’ poster. We loved the imaginative, artistic way they designed it. Well done Cockenzie Primary School! I wish you well for your new academic year, with a new set of P1s joining the school as the P7s move up to secondary school.
Here I am amongst a fabulous line-up of poets and authors …